Welcome to the Fohtung Research Group!

We are a condensed matter and material science research group particularly interested in developing novel scattering and imaging techniques such as X-ray, visible-light coherent diffractive imaging and neutron techniques to probe Spatio-temporal dynamics in relevant nanomaterial systems while advancing a new paradigm for materials design by studying quantum phenomena leading to emergent electronic and magnetic phases due to competing/coupled charge-, spin-, orbital and topological degrees of freedom in nanostructures. We are also interested nanoscale behavior that links the atomically small to universally large. Some applications of our work extend into biophysics and biomedical imaging.

To this end, we also focus on training the next generation of innovative students/scientists. We aim to foster an environment that is conducive to learning, creativity, and personal development. Browse this site to learn more about our research.

Job Openings

1. Postdoctoral Research Position

2.  Ph.D. Positions

Considering a Ph.D. Degree in Materials Science or Physics and a Job with us? Ask yourself these seven questions:
1.    Do I have a profound love for science and Engineering that will carry me through inevitable setbacks?
2.    Am I intellectually curious – the sort of person who needs to know how things work, why they don’t work and how to make things better?
3.    Do I feel comfortable marshaling arguments and defending my position?
4.    Can I work independently – but also be a team player – to get things done?
5.    Can I delay gratification for several years while classmates are getting well-paid jobs (with the payoff being that not only will I likely end up with a career that is more intellectually satisfying, but in the end, I’ll make more money over my lifetime)?
6.    Do I want to make the sorts of contributions that go well beyond individual interactions, even if the ultimate impact of my work may take years to recognize?
7.  Can I write simple codes in Matlab, Python, or C and C++?

If you answered “yes” to all questions, we will be happy to discuss you joining the Fohtung Research Group (FRG) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute!